Angular Development Services

Angular - Unleashing the Power of web development

Looking to build the next generation of web applications with the latest technologies?

MegaDevelopers has you covered! With over 16 years of experience and a team of industry-specific experts, we pride ourselves on delivering tailored solutions that exceed our clients’ expectations. Let us bring your vision to life by Angular!

Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework written in TypeScript and maintained by Google. Angular offers software developers a powerful set of tools and features for crafting single-page web apps. So why settle for less? Choose Angular for your next project and unlock a world of possibilities.

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Faster development

Angular development services can significantly accelerate the software development process. It enables us to create complex web applications faster.

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Better Organization

Angular development services enhance code organization by breaking down complex web applications into reusable components. This leads to better code management and organization.

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Angular services facilitate easy code reuse and organization. It results in a more manageable and scalable codebase for software developers to work with.

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Improved User Experience

Angular's two-way data binding and dynamic templating features improve the user experience by enabling the creation of responsive and interactive user interfaces.

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Greater Security

Angular's built-in security features prevent common web application security vulnerabilities. This results in more secure and less vulnerable applications.

Our angular development services

Angular features in software development process

Two-way data binding

Angular’s two-way data binding feature enables automatic synchronization of data between the model and the view, simplifying data management and updates.

Dependency injection

Angular’s dependency injection system simplifies application development by managing dependencies and components in a structured way.


It allows developers to create custom HTML elements and attributes, enabling the addition of functionality to an application.


The template system in Angular simplifies the process of creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces.


Angular services facilitate sharing of functionality and data among different components in an application.

Mobile support

Angular provides native mobile support for building mobile applications, including mobile-specific components, and built-in support for touch gestures.


Angular’s routing enables developers to manage navigation between different views and components in an application.


Angular’s testing framework simplifies the process of writing both unit tests and integration tests for applications.

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Improved performance

Angular's development tools and features, including Angular CLI, help our software developers build and deploy applications easier and faster.

Modular component-based architecture

The component-based architecture of Angular enables our developers to improve code organization, maintainability, and scalability of web applications.

Two-way data binding and powerful templating system

These features facilitate the creation of dynamic and responsive user interfaces with less code, leading to a faster development process and enhanced user experience.

Strong community support

Angular services boast a large and engaged community of developers, providing ample resources and support to assist outsourcing developers in their work.

Improved Productivity

Angular development services, including the powerful CLI, enable our software developers to quickly and easily build, test, and deploy applications.

Cross-platform development

Angular facilitates cross-platform development, enabling us to create web applications that function seamlessly on various platforms and devices.

Integration with other tools and frameworks

Angular's flexible architecture allows for easy integration with other tools and frameworks, such as React and Node.js.

Enhanced security

Angular comes with built-in security features like automatic sanitization and strict contextual escaping. They play a crucial role in mitigating common security vulnerabilities that can occur in web applications.

6 Compelling Reasons to Choose Angular for Your Next Development Project

Supported by Google

Angular is continuously updated and maintained by the Long-Term Support of Google. This ensures that the framework stays up-to-date with the latest web development trends and technologies, and any bugs or security issues are quickly addressed.

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MegaDevelopers uses Angular for building both PWA and SPA, delivering responsive and interactive web applications with modular architecture and powerful features. Its server-side rendering support ensures fast, cost-friendly and SEO-friendly web apps.

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Modular Structure

Angular’s modular structure empowers our experienced developers to break down complex apps into manageable modules, improving organization and maintainability. This approach supports code reusability and enables lazy loading for optimized performance.

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Code Consistency and Easy Testing

Angular’s focus on code consistency and testability through its TypeScript support, dependency injection system, and design philosophy helps MegaDevelopers developers create high-quality and reliable code with ease. This not only improves the overall quality of the application but also reduces the time and effort needed for testing and debugging.

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Declarative UI

Our Angular developers simplify web development by using the power of HTML to define the user interface. Its built-in directives and declarative approach allow developers to create interactive and responsive web applications with ease. This does need any complex JavaScript code.

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Angular applications are built using TypeScript. MegaDevelopers team access to powerful features of Angular such as static typing, classes, and interfaces. This makes our code more scalable, maintainable, and reliable.

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Why MegaDevelopers

At MegaDevelopers, we value close collaboration with our clients to ensure that their custom software development projects are delivered on time and within budget.

Our team of experienced developers are dedicated to understanding your specific needs and requirements. With a focus on clear communication and project transparency, our offshore software development company strives to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

Our outsourcing Angular Development Modules

Staff Augmentation

Acquire talents and manage them yourself without going through hiring process and spending equipment expenses. MegaDevelopers team carefully considers the unique ideas of each client and selects the most suitable option for developing their bespoke software development products.

Dedicated Team

MegaDevelopers team covers a part of your project (e.g., back-end development, QA) and provides regular progress reports. You determine the level of your managerial involvement.


Angular is a web development framework used for building dynamic, single-page applications and progressive web applications. It is also used for developing complex and scalable web applications in a modular and maintainable way.

The choice between Angular and React ultimately depends on the specific needs of the project and the expertise of the development team. React is a JavaScript library and Angular is a TypeScript-based JavaScript framework. Therefore, there is no clear winner in the debate between the two.

Angular is mainly developed using TypeScript, a powerful superset of JavaScript that includes features such as static typing, classes, and interfaces. However, Angular also employs HTML and CSS for creating the application’s user interface.

Angular is actively being developed and maintained by Google.  It has regular updates and new releases. Angular also has a large and growing community of developers and is widely used for building complex web applications.

Depending on your project: ask is there already a packaged solution that delivers these functionalities:

  • Support or automate unique business processes and transactions
  • Handle information and data specific to an industry or line of business
  • Meet unique privacy or security requirements
  • Facilitate integration with legacy applications and data
  • Replace or help consolidate existing solutions at lower cost
  • Replace or help consolidate existing solutions to achieve greater productivity
  • Enable new opportunities or improve competitive advantage
  • Grow and adapt to changing requirements.

If you did your research and couldn’t find such software packages then you should think about bespoke software solution.

We would set a time in our contract( usually 1-3 months) to :

  • Answers your and users’ questions, resolves user issues (if any).
  • Manages incidents, configuration changes, and updates.

And after that period, we can offer support and maintenance per  agreement for as long as you’ll need.

our technologies

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MegaDevelopers and AWS enable businesses to gain on-demand, scalable, and cost-effective storage solutions and services. By adopting AWS, you can achieve greater flexibility and agility while relying on AWS’s secure and reliable infrastructure.

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Azure strategies get involved with tools and services that can help businesses and their outsourcing development teamsto manage and track the progress of their custom software development.

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Microservices architecture involves a software development architecture that focuses on creating small, independent, and loosely connected services that collaborate to form a bigger application.
