Flutter App Development

Flutter app development takes the complexity out of development process, leaving you with a beautiful, seamless user experience.
At MegaDevelopers, we use Flutter app development for our software outsourcing projects due to its flexibility, cross-platform compatibility, and ability to streamline the software development process.

Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit. This framework can be modified and improved upon by our outsourcing developers. Flutter app development is free to use.  Developers are able to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms using a single codebase. 

Flutter is developed by Google in 2017 and officially released in 2018. Flutter framework utilizes Dart programming language, which was also created by Google. It has since used by companies such as BMW, Google, and Tencent to build their apps.

Flutter for our custom app development

Flutter app development is useful for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop and blockchain from a single codebase.

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Blockchain apps

Flutter app development programming languages

Flutter app development involves creating user interface using its extensive widget library. Flutter supports Dart programming language, which was created by Google as well. Dart enables Flutter to catch errors early on, leading to more reliable and stable applications.
Flutter language, Dart, is a class-based, object-oriented language that shares syntax similarities with languages like Java or C++. The language is designed to be easy to learn and use. Dart language has features like garbage collection and a Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler that allows for rapid development and iteration.

we support software outsourcing for building Flutter apps

Our software outsourcing developers build apps for multiple platforms using a single codebase. It results in writing code once and use it to create natively compiled applications for various platforms.

Mobile platforms
Flutter app development allows developers to create high performance and high quality mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms
Web platforms
Flutter app developers create responsive, visually appealing, and highly performant web applications. Custom web development using Flutter creates dynamic and interactive web applications quickly
Desktop platforms
Flutter app development enables us to build high-quality, performant, and visually appealing desktop applications for different platforms
Embedded platforms
Fluffer app developers create applications for embedded devices such as IoT devices, wearables, and automotive interfaces, resulting in better user interfaces

Is flutter good for software development?

Flutter is a strong option for cross-platform mobile app development and custom software development in general. Flutter developers create beautiful, performant, and scalable apps for multiple platforms.
MegaDevelopers, with a team of talented Flutter developers, creates and develops bespoke software projects for its clients faster and more cost-effectively. Our team of experts also build high-performance Flutter apps with beautiful and customizable UIs.

flutter app development advantages

5 Flutter features

Hot reload

Flutter developers quickly see the effects of changes made to the code without having to restart the entire application by Flutter’s hot reload feature.


Flutter is an open-source framework. It means that developers have free access to its source code and can view, modify, and contribute to it.

Cross-platform development

By this flutter’s features, developers can write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms.

Native performance

Flutter uses its own rendering engine. This enables Flutter to provide native performance. Flutter's native performance helps to provide a user experience that is smooth and responsive, akin to that of a native app.

Widget library

Widget library of flutter provides variety of customizable and reusable UI elements. This feature enables flutter app development to build attractive and responsive user interfaces for the applications.

The future of Flutter
Tim Sneath, Flutter Product Manager at Google, described Flutter as "the culmination of our journey to multiplatform UI development on phone, desktop, and web."

The latest version of Flutter, Flutter 3, was released in May 2022. Flutter app development benefits from constant updates by Google that bring new features, improved functionality, and enhanced performance.
With Flutter 3, Google has further improved its support for Linux and macOS app development. This enables Flutter developers to create stunning desktop applications that are not only visually appealing but also high-performing
When to choose flutter
If you are short on time and require a multi-platform app, Flutter development is one of the most suitable options available. Flutter development services are also suitable options if you desire a highly customizable UI with an extensive collection of widgets and components.
MegaDevelopers team carefully considers the unique ideas of each client and selects the most suitable option for developing their bespoke software development products.

our top 7 reasons for choosing Flutter for our custom app development

  • Flutter app development includes widgets as its core element to develop responsive and dynamic apps.
  • Flutter has a strong community of developers who provide support, resources, and continuously enhance the framework.
  • It is an open-source framework, allowing developers to access, view, modify, and contribute to the source code.
  • It uses a reactive programming model and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation for a smooth user experience.
  • Quick testing and iteration with Flutter leads to reduced development time and cost.
  • Flutter’s hot reload feature allows developers to make real-time changes to the code and see the results instantly.
  • With Flutter, developers can write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, reducing development time and costs.

The cost of flutter app development

For businesses looking to develop apps on a budget, Flutter can be relatively cost-effective app development framework. The cost of Flutter app development varies depending on several factors. If you are looking for a way to develop your software product at a lower cost, using the Flutter framework would be a good idea, depending on the factors below.

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We are outsourcing software development company

With over 16 years of experience, MegaDevelopers is a outsourcing software development company that is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies in order to deliver the most suitable software and applications for your company.

Our team of industry-specific experts and outsourcing software developers is prepared to bring your custom ideas to life. With the rapid and top-notch development capabilities of Flutter web, you can opt for this framework to accelerate your business in a more efficient manner.

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